Wizard world
“Happy Christmas”
This pattern is 160 w x 177 h stitches, so it will be (in INCHES) the following sizes on the most common Aida cloths (w, h):
11 count Aida: 14.5" x 16.1"
14 count Aida: 11.4" x 12.6"
16 count Aida: 10.2" x 11.1"
18 count Aida: 8.9" x 9.8"
22 count Aida: 7.3” x 8.1”
It uses 34 DMC colors
Comes with full color and black and white patterns
All of my patterns are:
1. in full color
2. come with the DMC color list
3. PDF format (you can zoom in on your iPad, computer) or...
4. are printable!
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Facebook: Cross Stitch Samwise Simple Stitch
Are you a beginner to cross stitch? Peacock and Fig has an excellent comprehensive tutorial at: